Where to Stream the 2021 Oscar Nominees

For a while, the biggest film story of 2020 was what movies weren’t coming out, as the pandemic closed theaters and bumped release dates for some of the year’s biggest would-be blockbusters (see you later, Black Widow and No Time to Die, hopefully) and buzziest awards-bait (or is there another reason Spielberg directed a remake of West Side Story?). But no more, because it turns out a lot of good movies were still released last year—and lots of them have just been nominated for Oscars.

Yes, Hollywood’s annual mutual admiration celebration is still happening, even if things are a little different this year. The awards won’t be handed out until April 25, the latest point in the year for an Oscar ceremony since 1932. Some films not released until 2021 will still be eligible, as the Academy shifted the eligibility window and removed restrictions requiring a theatrical release.

But the biggest difference between this Oscar year and any other is that you can easily (if not necessarily cheaply) see most of the nominees right now, without leaving your home. No more waiting for that art house release to maybe make its way to the larger city near you, or for that next masterpiece from your favorite director to trickle onto HBO—thanks to COVID, almost everything up for an award this year is streaming digitally somewhere right now, though you may have to pay a premium for it. Heck, the year’s most-honored film, Mank (10 nominations) even premiered on Netflix.

Here is where to stream the nominees for the major categories in the 2021 Academy Awards (and we’ll update the post as more options become available).


Source : lifehacker